К146 Calendarev Joseph Moiseevich

Date of Birth __.__.1924
Place of Birth Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Fergana
Military rank Sergeant
Military specialty Gunner
Participant of hostilities at the fronts
From 01/25/1942-10/10/1942 North-Western Front, From 10/10/1942-05/9/1943. K. Front, from 08.1943 1st Baltic Front
Call place Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Fergana city, Fergana RVC
Date place __.09.1942
Division and place of disposal 260 оиптд
Госпиталь: 217 МСБ 156 сд
Date of disposal 29.01.1945
Fate Died of wounds
Call Documents
Burial info
Date of Death 29.01.1945
Burial place Литовская ССР , Кретингский уезд, г. Кретинга, гражданское кладбище
Rewards (count — 4): Order of Glory III degree — Order of Glory III degree Medal "For courage" — Medal "For courage" Order of the Red Star — Order of the Red Star Order of the Patriotic War II degree — Order of the Patriotic War II degree
Parents’ names
Father  Kalendarev Moisey
Family address on 1945 y. г. Фергана, ул. Горького, дом №45