М044 Maksumov Yashar Abramovich

Date of Birth 12.03.1914
Place of Birth Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Kokand
Military rank Senior Lieutenant Technician
Position Company commander
Type of army Forces chemical protection
Call place Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Samarkand, Samarkand RVC
Date place __.06.1942
Date of arrival at the unit and subdivision 05.10.1942
186 орхз 207 сд
Division and place of disposal 3 Уд. А
Date of disposal 23.10.1945
Fate Returned after the end of the war
Rewards (count — 4): Order of the Red Star — Order of the Red Star Order of the Patriotic War II degree — Order of the Patriotic War II degree Medal "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." — Medal "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." Medal "For the capture of Berlin" — Medal "For the capture of Berlin"
Parents’ names
Father  Avraam Maksumov Avlod  Максум
Mother  Dvora
Relatives Жена: Шура (Шифро) Максумова
Profession / Education
Before the war педагог. Высшее
During the war period Заместитель директора
After the war педагог. Высшее
Burial info
Date of Death 05.01.1979
Burial place Uzbekistan , Ташкент
Документы о захоронении